Friday, October 21, 2011

Review: Paranormal Activity 3

Rare is the horror movie series that stays scary.

What was scary in the first installment usually becomes familiar by the second installment and by the time episode three comes out, audiences wise to the series' tricks find themselves feeling bored rather than frightened. That said, the Paranormal Activity series manages the impossible by remaining gruesomely atmospheric and hauntingly amazing well into its third installment.

Paranormal Activity 3 takes place before the first Paranormal Activity during Katie and Kristi's childhood. Their father, a wedding videographer, begins recording when he suspects that something is amiss in his new home. Strange noises, objects moving mysteriously and Katie's imaginary friend "Toby" serve to set the scene for continuously escalating horror that builds to a climax that had half the theater jumping out of their seats.

Paranormal Activity 3 paces itself perfectly. Instead of relying on cheap jump scares or gory scenes of mutilation, it takes its time slowly ratcheting up suspense. Instead of elaborate slasher costumes or overengineered movie monsters, Paranormal Activity 3 works through allusion and suggestion, letting the audience imagine ghastlier horrors than could ever be captured on screen. Bumps, creaks and cheap visual effects are used to great effect here and the way the movie is shot makes it seem realistic and intensely more terrifying.

Paranormal Activity 3 is an ideal horror movie and one that stays with viewers long after the credits roll. There were a few minor technical gripes (such as an over-reliance on a tracking shots) that kept me from giving it a perfect score but at the end of the day, this was a fine example of classic horror at its finest. By relying on suggestion and the infinite power of imagination, Paranormal Activity 3 is sure to have you sleeping with the lights on for the for the rest of the year.

Score 4/5

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