Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Cliffs of Eternity

Today is September 28, 2011. Approximately 253 days from now I will have completed my Senior year as an English Major at Santa Clara University.

In 36 weeks I will join the thousands of college graduates across the country in what can only be described as a frantic race to find the limited number of jobs available to a recent Bachelor's Degree.

I have roughly 6083 hours and counting before I must decide what I am to do with the rest of my life or be forced to move back home to a black-hole town with no future and no job opportunities.

I will spend the next 365,005 minutes doing everything in my power to make something of myself and gain my independence from a dysfunctional family that is slowly imploding on itself.

And in the time I have left, I will be talking to you. I don't know who you are or why you're reading this blog. Perhaps you're a college student like me. If you're looking for wisdom, I suggest you look elsewhere; I lack the experience needed to be wise. But, for what it's worth, I am grateful for the company.

It is now 12:40 on September 28. I have 255 days to plot my future. Time starts...


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